Friday, August 25, 2006

A Birthday! A Birthday!

My little sister turned 29 today! The picture above is from a couple of years ago when she got married.

I was seven, almost eight when she was born. It was a little tough, because now there were two girls and only one boy. However, as she grew, I was glad to have her around. The toughest part was that I left for college, my mission, and more college when she was just 12. There are all kinds of experiences in 7th grade through senior year in high school that shape who you are and how you view the world. I remember writing to her in college and on my mission, but that isn't the same as being there. I often regretted that I could not have been around more during those years.

She has always had a strong will and a desire to do what is right. She is one of the most loyal and loving people I know. If she is your friend, she is your friend for life. It is one of the things that I admire most about her.

She has traveled and seen parts of the world I have yet to (NYC, Hawaii) and I admire her sense of adventure and her spirit of discovery.

May your days be full of smiles and nights full of joy. I love you Becca!

Friday, May 12, 2006

One of My Very Favorite Books

Ender's Game
Orson Scott Card

Reading is FUN

Ever since I have been very young I have loved to read. Before that, I remember being read to. It was so great though, when I figured out how to get meaning off the pages of the books myself. Then I could go to whatever world, time, or event the book could convincingly create. I loved (and still do) science fiction. I loved the adventure, the excitement, the mystery of going to a different universe filled with the new and unexplored. I also loved (and still do) fantasy with it worlds of magic, kings, knights, gods and goddesses. I also remember a time when I discovered the biography and autobiography section of the library. Some of the real life stories were are good as the fiction I had enjoyed so much. They also inspired in a way fiction could not, because they really happened. Even today, I find myself with one or two books in the process of being read. Its one of my favorite ways to improve, to grow, to learn, to rest, to relax, to laugh, to cry.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


A Gift We Can Freely Give

Our undivided, whole, and complete attention is a gift that we can freely give to our children anytime, anyplace; yet we so seldom do. It is one of those small and simple things that is far too easy to dismiss, but upon reflection shows itself be painfully true. Yes, painfully. Why? Because if you are anything like me, honest self evaluation will bring you to admit that far too often the times your children are interacting with you are when you are in the middle of trying to "get something done." It is so easy to think, I've got days, weeks, months or years with my child, but this needs done today. And yet, the time we fail to spend with our children is gone forever. As I think back to my childhood, while there are big events (like going to Disneyland) that stick in my mind, the events which were much more impactful on who I am, and how I feel, were the times that my mother took time to listen to something that was bothering me, or something I was excited about, or something I was dreaming of doing. Taking time to listen to a child read, or to share with them as they celebrate an accomplishment (drawing a picture, shooting a basket), or to tickle them and hug them is something that should have top billing on our personal To-Do list every day. Seeing the face a child, feeling loved and cherished, is truely seeing the face of God.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Contemplation (photo)



  1. To direct the eyes on an object: consider, eye, look, view. Idiom: clap (or lay) (or set) one's eyes on. See see
  2. To think or think about carefully and at length: chew on or over , cogitate, consider, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse 1, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, think through, turn over, weigh. Idioms: cudgel one's brains, put on one's thinking cap, rack one's brain. See thoughts
  3. To have in mind as a goal or purpose: aim, design, intend, mean 1, plan, project, propose, purpose, target. Regional: mind. See planned, purpose

Tuesday, May 09, 2006



The beating of a heart
the flap of a wing
the breath of a baby
the kiss of a child

a contented sigh
a gentle breeze
a parent’s nod
a soft caress

two arms embracing
two clouds colliding
two flowers dancing
two hands tenderly clasping

All around us
almost missed
we make the effort
to hear.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Matter Unorganized


To start something new is a) a step into the unknown, b) an adventure, c) scary, d) what life is all about, e) how we learn and grow, f) what children do all the time, g) how we stay young, h) how we challenge ourselves, i) a challenge, j) lots of fun, k) preceded by planning, l) done on a whim, m) following our heart, n) a step to where we want to go, o) best when done with loved ones along, p) the point where life really begins, q) conception, r) a chance for a better life, s) a gamble, t) a risk, u) exciting, v) evolutionary, w) revolutionary, x) leaving behind what was know, y) leaving your comfort zone, z) what has been needed for a while now . . .

or all of the above and much, much more. Begin something.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The challenging of what you perceive is real is one reason that I have always loved optical illusions. They challenge, they surprise, they inspire awe that someone could conceive them, they have that wonderful moment of AHA when you see reality, they bring a smile to my face.

Check out this link. Watch the video, and then printout and make the dragon above. It will brighten your day.

Is This Reality?

So much about life is perception, yet I find that its treated as fact. What we believe we are seeing/experiencing/hearing is not always the case. In fact, I would say that reality is usually not what we are so sure it is.

News is often spun or written by biased parties, where is the truth? Much of what we regard as scientific "fact" is only the latest, best current understanding - likely to change as more information becomes available. I find that, as humans, we tend to be very sure we are right. Don't get me wrong, this confidence allows us to act, to plan, to trust our judgement, to achieve. But so often, when we really look at things deep down, we find that we were wrong a little or a lot in the assumptions we made, the reasons we had, or the results we .

On a more personal level, I am thinking of an arguement I've been in, that ended in a discussion and was worked out. In the processing of working it out, I am amazed at how many assumptions, beliefs, perceptions, (mis)understandings, and assumed intentions turn out to be wrong. In the heat of the moment, with emotion high, I know that I don't always see things clearly. Only when I slow down and truly communicate, do I stand a better chance of "being" real.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Despite Everything, It Happens

It Happens

It wasn't what was said, it's what was done.
It wasn't what was wanted, it's what happened.
It wasn't what was attempted, it's what was accomplished.
It wasn't what was planned, it's what evolved.
It wasn't what was expected, it's what surprised.
It wasn't what was desired, it's what was felt.
It wasn't what was hidden, it's what was shared.
It wasn't what was later, it's what was right now.

Life Happens. . . Thank Goodness!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Modern Muses: Ponder

Other work by Artist:



To think or think about carefully and at length: chew on or over , cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, think through, turn over, weigh. Idioms: cudgel one's brains, put on one's thinking cap, rack one's brain. See thoughts

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sunrise / Sunset

A Journey

To start a journey, you must take a first step. If you don't know where you want to end up, then it doesn't really matter which direction you head. In order to know where you want to end up, you have to know yourself: your heart, your mind, your fears, your passions. In order to discover who you are you must take time to ponder and reflect.